Local Organizing Committee
- Ahn Soyoung (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Axhausen Kay (ETH Zurich)
- Bar-Gera Hillel (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
- Bertini Robert (University of South Florida)
- Bierlaire Michel (EPFL)
- Buisson Christine (Univ. Lyon, IFSTTAR)
- Chen Danjue (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
- Chiabaut Nicolas (Univ. Lyon, ENTPE)
- Duret Aurélien (Univ. Lyon, IFSTTAR)
- El Faouzi Nour-Eddin (Univ. Lyon, IFSTTAR)
- Gayah Vikash (Penn State University)
- Haddad Jack (Technion)
- Kim Jiwon (The University of Queensland)
- Laval Jorge (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Lebacque Jean-Patrick (IFSTTAR)
- Lo Hong (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
- Menendez Monica (New-York University Abu Dabi)
- Nie Marco (Northwestern University)
- Ouyang Yanfeng (University of Illinois)
- Ramezani Mohsen (The University of Sydney)
- Takamasa Iryo (Kobe University)
- Treiber Martin (TU Dresden)
- Van Lint Hans (TU Delft)
- Viti Francesco (University of Luxembourg)
- Wong SC (The University of Hong Kong)
- Yildirimoglu Mehmet (The University of Queensland)
- Zheng Nan (Beihang University)